Monday, July 6, 2009

Meret Oppenheim @ MoMA

Meret Oppenheim. Object. 1936. Fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon, cup 4 3/8” (10.9 cm) in diameter; saucer 9 3/8” (23.7 cm) in diameter; spoon 8” (20.2 cm) long, overall height 2 7/8” (7.3 cm). Purchase. © 2009 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Pro Litteris, Zurich

Surrealist artists, writers, and poets placed persistent emphasis on the power of the imagination to transform the everyday. Beginning in the early 1930s, the production of elliptically erotic, sexually charged objects and sculptures became central to their concerns. This exhibition features some of the most notorious works, including Salvador DalĂ­’s bread-and-inkwell-crownedRetrospective Bust of a Woman (1933) and Meret Oppenheim’s fur-lined teacup (1936).

The Erotic Object: Surrealist Sculpture from the Collection
June 24, 2009–January 4, 2010 at MoMA

Day of Rest